March 2011 began with a fantastic display
of Northern Lights, continuing a recent trend of intensifying geomagnetic
activity. The show was sparked by a solar wind stream hitting Earth's
magnetic field. See also February
2011. |
Location |
Images |
Comments |
Chad Blakley,
Abisko Turiststation, Abisko National Park, Sweden Mar. 5, 2011 | #1,
#2, #3,
more |
Another great night in Abisko! I was very happy to see an aurora watch posted on spaceweather.com tonight just before heading to work. As I was eating dinner a friend of mine called me and told me to stop whatever I was doing, grab my camera and RUN outside. Needless to say I was not disappointed when I saw what was waiting for me outside!! The auroras just keep getting better. I cant wait to see what the last few weeks of this great season have to offer!! Shot with a Nikon D7000, Tokina 11-16 2.8, and 1 to 3 second exposures (this was a BRIGHT aurora!).
Kevin Schafer,
Yellowknife area, NWT, Canada Mar. 2, 2011 | #1,
#2, #3 |
Five nights in a row of moderate to active auroras near Yellowknife, Canada. Mostly green, but at times fast moving, and with several overhead coronas. All photos on Nikon D3 with 28mm f1.4 lens ISO 1000
B.Art Braafhart,
Salla, Finnish-Lapland Mar. 3, 2011 | #1,
#2, #3,
more |
The evening started with some colouring, not too exciting. However, later on the flames were for a moment so intens that the picture of that moment was totally overexposed! After that dancing lights with all kind of appearances like curtains, screws, omegas, rays; only the corona was missing. It was an evening not too forget!
Fujifilm Finepix S100FS, f2.8, ISO 400, 13-30 sec.
Valentine Zhiganov,
Russia, Murmansk region, Apatity Mar. 1, 2011 | #1 |
Polar light on March, 1st, 2011
Canon 5d Mark II, ISO 1600, 15 mm, 2.8, 5s exposure
Time-Lapse Footage, March, 1st http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioAKPixFjyk
Maxim Letovaltsev,
Russia, Murmansk Mar. 1, 2011 | #1,
more |
It was everywhere in the sky!
Coldfoot Alaska Mar. 2, 2011 |
more |
It was a great showing for the night!
Nikon D90, Iso 400, 30seconds, f/4.5, 18mm
images: from
Cory of Coldfoot Alaska; from
Mika Puurula of Sotkamo, Pohjavaara, Finland; from
Ville Pirttilahti of Övertorneå, Sweden.