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Nejc Ucman,
Ravni Log, Bohor, Slovenia Aug. 12, 2008 |
#3 |
The first night of maximum here in Europe turned out pretty good, with solid activity, although with very little bright meteors and fireballs. I was imaging all night with my friend, we had 4 DSLRs, so the sky was nicely covered. Location was very good, we could see the zodiacal band, and LM was around 7 for a good observer.
Conon Bridge, Highlands, Scotland
Aug. 12, 2008 |
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is a fairly impressive meteor showing a typical colorful
Perseid passing close by the Andromeda galaxy (M31). In
the wide field shot you can see the Perseid, M31, the constellation
of Cassiopeia, and the Double Cluster in Perseus.
details: Canon
400D, 30 secs, f/3.5, ISO 1600, Taken
at 00:14 BST (01:14 UT)
Tamas Ladanyi,
Csesznek, Hungary
Aug. 11, 2008 |
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There were just
a few Perseids before midnight. The contitions were perfect
with excellent transparency. I took this photo about a bright
meteor in Cassiopeia over the castle of Csesznek. The ruins
are illuminated by the moonlight.
details: Canon
450D with 18-55 objective at 18 mm, f/5, iso 1600, 30
sec exposure |

New Mexico
Aug. 11, 2007 |
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August 11th in New Mexico, amateur astronomer Thomas Ashcraft
caught an early Perseid streaking over his radio observatory.
"One of them had a dynamic and rippingly intricate
sonic radio signature." Click to listen.
The sounds you just heard are distant radio stations reflected
from the the meteor's ionized trail. Try listening with
headphones: 61 MHz echoes are in the left stereo channel,
83 MHz echoes in the right. "It has a very energetic
sound," says Ashcraft. |
Thad V'Soske,
Grand Valley, Colorado, USA Aug. 12, 2008 |
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Once the moon
had set there were lots of faint Perseids and several bright
ones in the dark skies above Grand Valley, Colorado. A few
good meteors made it into the camera frame and, later, to
details: Canon
30D, ISO1600, 20mm lens, 30-sec exposures. |
images (Aug. 12): from
Sabahattin Bilsel of Bodrum, Turkey; from
Eyup of Istanbul, Turkey; from
Anthony Ayiomamitis at Mt Kithaironas, Greece; from
Saied Bahrami Nezhad in the Shahdad desert of Kerman, Iran;
Brian Jolley of Bountiful, Utah; from
Domenico Licchelli of Gagliano del Capo, Italy; from
Pavel Machalek at Pretty Boy Reservoir, Baltimore, MD; from
Boris Stromar of Petrova Gora, Croatia;
images (Aug. 11): from
Erwin Filimon of Gahberg Observatory, Upper-Austria, Europe;
Phillip Chee of Peterborough, Ontario, Canada;