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Gregor Srdoc - Marino Tumpic,
Sarsoni, near Rijeka, Croatia Dec. 12, 2010 |
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Bright Geminid, photo and video clip of Geminid 12.december.2010.
Author: Gregor Srdoc, Astronomical Society Vidulini, Croatia
Place: Sarsoni, near Rijeka
12. december 2010.
UT 21:00:30 - 21:00:56
Canon Eos 400D, ISO 1600, exp30 sec, Sigma 17mm, f/2.8

Guillaume Cannat,
mont Aigoual (south of France), 1300 m. Dec. 14, 2010 |
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One of the Geminids that I observed last night.
Nikon D700, 15 mm @ 2.8, 1200 ISO, 20s exposure.

David Harvey,
Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, Arizona USA Dec. 13, 2010 |
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The 2010 Geminid Meteor Shower captured early in the evening of December 13th - several hours before the peak - over Kitt Peak National Observatory. Canon EOS 1D Mark IIN | 16mm lens @ F/2.8 ISO 3200 | six - 15 second exposures combined.

Borkur Hrolfsson,
Iceland, Hekla area. Dec. 13, 2010 |
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I went out for the Geminids, and got Northern lights as a Bonus.
It is very difficult to get a photo of the meteors, but I got few.
Canon, long exposure, high ASA, Low F.

John Chumack,
Dayton, Ohio USA Dec. 14, 2010 |
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13 of the Brightest Geminid Meteors from 2010
PC 164C video camera & 6mm lens, From my Northeast sky camera #2

Chris Voyles,
Phoenix AZ Dec. 14, 2010 |
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Canon 40D 20sec exposure ISO-100 w/10-22mm @ 3.5
more images:
Greg Stablein of Memphis, TN; from
David Blanchard of Flagstaff, Arizona; from
James Beauchamp of Oklahoma City, OK; from
James Champagne of Madera Canyon, Arizona; from
Brian Klimowski of Flagstaff, AZ