December 2007

Summary: A solar wind stream hit Earth on Dec. 10th sparking high-latitude auroras.

  Photographer, Location Images Comments

Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF), Kiruna, Sweden
Dec. 11, 2007
#1, more

From reader "Yann": This image was captured from the automated all sky camera at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) in Kiruna, Sweden. It could get forgotten in the huge archive they store automatically every minute. But this one is too special to go unpublished--a real ghostly Aurora!

Robert Kummelehne,
Summit Camp, Greenland
Dec. 11, 2007
#1, #2, #3,

So bright the snow around us glowed a bright green. We saw white, greens, reds, and purple auroras. I work on the Greenland Ice Cap at 10,660 ft elevation at a research station for the winter darkness. We see a lot of auroras, these were more spectacular than most. This was my first attempt at aurora photography, I took 7 pictures, 3 came out awesome.