Aurora Gallery back to |
Summary: A solar wind stream (flowing from a coronal hole on the sun) hit Earth's magnetic field on May 1st, sparking auroras bright enough to see through the twilight glow of the midnight sun in Alaska. More auroras appeared on May 7th when another solar wind gust hit Earth. The May 7th display was fueled by a south-pointing IMF. [See also the April 2005 aurora gallery.] This is Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 Got
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them. |
Photographer, Location | Images | Comments | |
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Hanne Søvik,
Sykkylven, Norway May. 07 |
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nice display even though the sky is getting bright these days, pictures taken at 23:30 with a Canon ixus 500 digital,15 sec exposure |
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Yuichi Takasaka,
New Aiyansh, British Columbia, Canada May. 08 |
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Aurora appeared right after the date changed to the Mother's day. Pentax *istD, SMC-FA? 24 mm lens. |
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Karl Kuehn,
Greene, NY May. 07 |
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To my surprise a bright arc of aurora light hugged the northern horizon as I made a quick check of the skies before bedtime at about 10:30 local time. Since there hasn't been much aurora activity visible from Upstate New York recently, I was caught unprepared and my camera battery died after this one photo. Still it was an enjoyable but short display. (Canon 10D, ~10 seconds, ISO 800) |
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Jean-Francois Pardoën,
Lebel-sur-Quevillon, Quebec, Canada May. 07 |
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Here's the best pictures I could get ( for a first time , not bad ! ) . The show lasted for almost 2 hours , giving me plenty of time to find a decent spot to shoot the pictures . - Canon EOS Digital Rebel. |
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McDonald, N. Ireland, Co. Derry, Maghera May. 07 |
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Auroras appeared very quicky and picked up really brightly, there was a lovely arc and many big blue/purple beams moving like curtains across the sky. |
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N Hall, Old Murphy Dome Rd, N of Fairbanks AK May. 01 |
#1 | I've been hoping for one or two very late season auroras. I gave up around 130AM last night, and then on my way home the sky lit up. This was taken at around 2AM. I didn't catch the best of the display with my cameras, but it was spectacular. At its peak there was a bright crevasse-like corona filled with waves of color overhead. |
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Taylor, Muir Lake, about 30 minutes west of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. May. 01 |
#1, #2, #3,more | A few members of the Northern Lights Fly Tyers and Fishers ( got together at midnight for the opening of Muir Lake to beat the crowds and brave the cold night air. Not only were they blessed with trout, but they got a brilliant auoural display to backdrop the night sky as they fished. Lance Taylor happened to have his brand new Canon 20D with him and took these pictures. Some video of the display was also shot for a new fishing website to open soon. You can view it on-line here: |
more images: from Claude Duplessis at the Réserve La Vérendrye, Québec, Canada |