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Hartwig Luethen,
Kochenovo, west of Novosibirsk, Russia Aug. 1, 2008 |
#1 |
Total solar
eclipse, August 1, 2008, about 10:45 UT Site: Kochenovo
(near Novosibirsk),
details: Canon
EOS 350Da, automatically controlled by "Eclipse Orchestrator";
Russia Lens: 500mm f/6.3 at f/8; Composit of 24 images (1/500
to 2 seconds exposure time) Editing: Stacking and Sekanina
Larsen filtering using Fitswork, lunar detail is from a
stack of 4 2 seconds shots |

Aug. 1, 2008 |
#2 |
Esfahan, Iran, the sun was about 20% covered when Mohamad
Soltanolkotabi photographed these crescents decorating the
floor of the Sheikh Lutffullah mosque. Sunlight beaming
through windows in the Mosque's dome created these eclipsed
suns on the floor," he explains.
Anthony Ayiomamitis,
On the roof of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia. Aug. 1, 2008 |
#2, #3,
more |
What an incredible
event experienced by over 10,000 visitors in Novosibirsk
earlier today. Following some very unfavourable skies the
past few days, the skies opened up a couple of hours before
first contact in anticipation of today's highlight event.
Temperatures dropped noiceably as we approached first contact
with slight winds being noticed as well. Stunning diamond
rings announced the arrival and completion of totality and
observers were treated to various prominences on the solar
limb. No two eclipses are the same and today's majestic
event was equally as impressive and grand as the 2006 total
solar eclipse on the Greek isle of Kastelorizo. Best wishes
from Siberia! Anthony. |
Vladimir Golendukhin,
Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Rezh Aug. 1, 2008 |
#1 |
Solar eclipse on august 1st,2008.The picture is made by means of the camera 2 Mpixel (PDA).
The image of the Sun with is projected by an eyepiece of a telescope on a cap of the boy.
Novosibirsk, Russia.
Aug. 1, 2008 |
#2, #3,
#4, \\ |
was an awesome total solar eclipse that we saw from Novosibirsk,
Russia! At the beginning of totality the hauling of a nightbird
shocked us all, let alone the breathtaking sight!
details: Bresser Skylux 70mm refractor, Canon
EOS 450D.

#2, #3,
#4 |
Images of eclipsed
sun were projected on a white sheet and pictures taken by
A640. Eclipse was shown by me to school students and
their parents in residential area of JANAKPURI NEWDELHI
INDIA. Most of them saw the eclipse for first time.Clouds
passings in front of sun was a beautiful sight. |
Tom Teague,
Chester, England Aug. 1, 2008 |
#1 |
This is a snapshot of the projected solar image. Careful examination of the lunar limb shows irregularities which I believe are caused by mountains and valleys seen in profile (note that the solar limb does not exhibit such irregularities, thus showing that they cannot be an effect of atmospheric seeing). The telescope used was a Zeiss Telementor 63/840 refractor, with the solar image projected to approximately 12.5 cm, and the camera was an ordinary Olympus digital camera.
Diwaniya, Iraq
Aug. 1, 2008 |
#2 |
In Solar Eclipse i was with my son on the old Market area
in my city watching partial eclipse. We also noticed sunlight
beams falling on the ground. As well as I was surprised
when I saw the sunlight beams reflected on my son's chest.
I used SONY alfa200 camera. |
images: from
Patrice Arnaudet of Frouville, France; from
Marina Shilina of Carnikava, Latvia; from
Jörgen Blom of Stockholm, Sweden; from
Guenter Kleinschuster of Feldbach, Styria, Austria; from
Vladimir Ladinsky of Moscow, Russia; from
Eric Soucy of Ohain, Brabant wallon, Belgium; from
Jeffrey Carels of Bruges, Belgium;