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Joni Virtanen,
Kokkola, Finland Jan. 4, 2011 |
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-24c cold and beatifull!!!

Oğuzhan Köse,
Izmir, Turkey Jan. 4, 2011 |
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Partial Eclipse And Sun Spots From Private Çakabey School Observatory, Turkey.
Partial Solar Eclipse was observed from Private Çakabey Schools on January 4. We have 12inch LX-200 Meade telescope and solar filter. All students followed the excitement of this celestial event. Sixty percent of the sun were closed by moon in Turkey. Students observed the eclipse in various ways. But the eclipse was not only exciting, but also observing the sun spots (no. 1140) with telescope was so beautiful.

Peter Zbončák,
Tromf, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia Jan. 4, 2011 |
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Partial Solar Eclipse in Slovakia, Banská Bystrica. Taken with Celestron CPC925&Baader Astrosolar Foto Film.

Paul Money,
Gibraltar Point National Nature Reserve, Skegness, Lincolnshire, UK Jan. 4, 2011 |
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Despite lots of cloud trying to spoil the view a group of about 28 people attended a BBC Stargazing Live event I organised at a National Nature Reserve on the East coast of the UK in Lincolnshire. Using a 10 inch Reflector, Canon 50D and an LCD monitor I captured pictures and immediately displayed them for the group to see whilst giving guidance on how to view the event. We were very lucky with the gap in the clouds at the right time!

Viktor Veres,
Mount Kekesteto elevation 1024m, (3360 ft) above sea level, about 90 km (56 miles) NE from Budapest. Jan. 4, 2011 |
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I was very lucky, because most part of Hungary was under fog. The first think for me was the Mount Nagyhideg-hegy, elevation 860 m (2821 ft)above sea level, but around 8.00 local time (7.00 UTC) the mountain to be killed in clash with fog... I changed the plan, go up onto the Kekesteto. The mountain is the highest point in Hungary, but I was near the second losing, because the fog started to rise...
When I arrived, i had only five minutes, before the fog is win...

Antonio Finazzi,
Castel Venzago di Lonato (BS) -Italy Jan. 4, 2011 |
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Movie Partial Solar Eclipse Time Lapse to the dawn of 4 january 2011.
Photo details: Nikon D700, Tamron 500mm f/8 + Teleconverter 1,4x, single exposure T. 1/3200 at f/8 ISO 200.
Image 3: The Sun with the airplane.
Photo details: Nikon D700, Tamron 500mm f/8 + Teleconverter 1,4x, exposure T. 1/3200 at f/8 ISO 200.
Cyrille Baudouin,
Sérigné, France Jan. 4, 2011 |
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The sky was totaly cloudy, except a clear band on the horizon. We had the chance to observe the sun crescent rising during 10 minutes, before the sun went behind the clouds.
Photos taken with Canon EOS 300 digital camera with a 70-300mm lens, set on 300mm.
The photos were taken without filter, the mist at the horizon was a good filter!
Kaj Hoglund,
Vaasa, Söderfjärden, Finland Jan. 4, 2011 |
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Sun pilar was amazing before the stunning partial solar eclipse began here in Vaasa, Finland.
Photo details: Canon 60D, Ef-s 55-250 IS
images: from
Willy Schuppert of Amsterdam, the Netherlands; from
Tunc Tezel of Ras Lanuf, Libya; from
Rob Driessen of Maastricht, the Netherlands; from
Jan Koeman of Westerschelde river, the Netherlands; from
Wouter Verhesen of Sittard, The Netherlands; from
Peter Rosén of Stockholm, Sweden; from
Kari A. Kuure of Tampere, Finland; from
Luke Broom-Lynne of Norfolk, United Kingdom; from
Philippe Van den Doorn of Rixensart, Belgium; from
Andrea Aletti of S.Maria del Monte (VA) Italy; from
Rob Kantelberg of Sint Oedenrode, The Netherlands; from
Robbert-Jan Westerduin of Nijmegen, The Netherlands;