Leonids 2000: Predicted
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A note about time: UT=Universal
Time; EST=Eastern Standard Time, the time on the US east coast.
Leonid meteor outbursts happen
when Earth passes close to dusty debris trails laid down by comet
Tempel-Tuttle. The comet returns to the inner solar system every
33 years --the last time was in 1998-- but it never follows the
same path twice. Gravitational perturbations by the planets,
particularly Jupiter, nudge it into slightly different orbits
each time around. As a result, no two of its debris trails are
in the same spot. They are laid out in a complex pattern that
has baffled astronomers for many years. Lately, though, researchers
have figured out where many of the dust streams are located and
can predict when Earth will pass through one.
Above: Earth's path through space is shown in blue.
Auburn-colored ellipses denote dust streams laid down by comet
Tempel-Tuttle in the indicated years. Until they disperse after
a few centuries, these narrow trails are regions that have a
high density of meteoroids and so there is a meteor storm if
the Earth passes through one. This year our planet will pass
close to trails deposited in 1932, 1733 and 1866. Courtesy of
Dr. David Asher (copyright 2000, all rights reserved). [more
This year Earth will glide through the outskirts of three
debris streams, but we won't hit any dead center. The result
could be modest outbursts at the following times:
Friday, Nov. 17.
Time: 7:50 am UT (2:50 am EST)
Earth will approach material ejected from comet Tempel-Tuttle
in 1932. The most optimistic models suggest an outburst of 800
meteors per hour; 100 per hour is a more likely maximum. Bright
moonlight might reduce the number of meteors visible in a single
hour to no more than 25% of these values.
Saturday, Nov. 18.
Time: 3:44 am UT (10:44 pm EST
on Friday)
Earth will approach material ejected from comet Tempel-Tuttle
in 1733. Experts say this is the most likely time to see a Leonids
outburst in 2000. Models suggest as many as 700 meteors per hour
under ideal conditions, although bright moonlight could reduce
that number by 75%. If it occurs, this outburst might last for
a few hours centered around the time of the peak.
Observers in the United States are not favorably placed for
this potential flurry. The constellation Leo, as seen from the
US east coast, will be just below the horizon at the time. However,
east-coast observers could spot a special type of meteor called
an Earthgrazer. These are long, bright shooting stars
that streak overhead from just below the horizon. They often
display colorful halos and long-lasting trails. Earthgrazers
are so distinctive because they follow a path nearly parallel
to our atmosphere.
Saturday, Nov. 18.
Time: 7:51 am UT (2:51 am EST)
Earth will approach material ejected by comet Tempel-Tuttle in
1866. The most optimistic predictions suggest 700 meteors per
hour; 100 per hour is more likely. Like the other peaks, this
one will be less dazzling because of bright moonlight that will
substantially reduce the number of visible meteors. The NASA
meteor balloon will reach the stratosphere during this peak.
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What if it's a dud?
One of the greatest uncertainties in these
predictions is the width of comet Tempel-Tuttle's dust streams.
For instance, on Nov. 18th Earth will pass approximately 0.3
lunar distances (LD) from the 1733 and 1866 debris trails. But
how wide are those trails? No one knows. If observers see substantial
outbursts at the predicted times, researchers can conclude that
the trails are at least 0.3 LD wide. On the other hand, if this
year's Leonids are a dud, we can surmise that the relevant trails
are much narrower than our near-miss distances in 2000.
Note: One "lunar distance," or LD, equals 384 thousand
km, the average distance between Earth and the Moon. |
For more information about Leonid dust streams and meteor
outbursts, please visit Leonid
Meteors 2000 from the Armagh Observatory.
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