NLC Photo gallery: Summer 2008
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Summer 2008
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  Observing tips: Look west 30 to 60 minutes after sunset when the Sun has dipped 6o to 16o below the horizon. If you see luminous blue-white tendrils spreading across the sky, you've probably spotted a noctilucent cloud. Although noctilucent clouds appear most often at arctic latitudes, they have been sighted in recent years as far south as Colorado, Utah and Virginia. NLCs are seasonal, appearing most often in late spring and summer. In the northern hemisphere, the best time to look would be between mid-May and the end of August. See also 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007.
  Photographer, Location Images Comments

Peter Paul Hattinga Verschure,
Deventer, the Netherlands, Europe
Jul. 2, 2008
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It was a bright display, with striking rapid changes of forms. It covered three quarter of the sky.

Dale Nosko,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada,53.33 N, 113.28 W
Jun. 28, 2008
#1, #2, #3, #4

A beautiful display! The previous morning(June 27-08) was my first attempt at photographing NLCs. Early Saturday June 28 the show was much more impressive. Canon Rebel XTi, 28-50mm lens, 30 second exposure, ASA 200.

Alex Scholten,
Eerbeek, Netherlands
Jul. 2, 2008
#1, #2

In the morning of July 2nd, 2008 we had a very brilliant NLC display. Lot of swirls and they covered almost half the sky. Pictures with Canon 400D 18-55mm zoomlens. Location Eerbeek (Netherlands), 1h45m - 2h15m UT

Guillaume Cannat,
near Montpellier, France, 43.5° N
Jun. 30, 2008

On Monday 30 June at dawn, an hour before sunrise, I observed and photographed noctilucents clouds. There's nothing very exceptional apparently because the activity was intense on Europe, but I was next to Montpellier in southern France, at 43.5 degrees north latitude! I did not think we could see noctilucents clouds so far from the pole ...

Oleg Pomogaev,
Tula region, Russia.
Jun. 28, 2008
#1, #2, #3, #4

It's absolutely outstanding NLC's sight in the summer midnight, 27-28 June 2008! Canon A710 IS digital camera on the tripod. IS0 200, exposition from 6 to 10 seconds.

Conor McDonald,
Northern Ireland Co.Derry Maghera
Jul. 3, 2008
#1, #2, #3, #4, more

Started of the NLC's were spotted around 12am as a very high cirrus like formation. As it slowly darkened the extent of the display became visible. It lost its height but was very wide stretching from the nw to ne

Andy Mayhew,
Evesham, Worcs, England
Jul. 2, 2008
#1, #2, #3

Olympus SP650uz - 100ASA 1.6 sec F4.5

more images (July 2): from Martin Gembec of Jablonec nad Nisou - Kokonín, Czech Republic; from Martin Mc Kenna of Maghera, Co. Derry, N. Ireland; from John C McConnell of Maghaberry, Northern Ireland; from Tomasz Adam of Staszów, Poland; from Ludger Koetter of Muenster /North Rhine-Westphalia / Germany

more images (June 30): from Marek Nikodem of Szubin, Poland; from John Houghton of Leicester, UK; from Danny Ratcliffe of Dolwen, Nr Colwyn Bay, North Wales, UK

more images: (June 29): from Grant Privett of Burley Gate, Herefordshire, UK; from Paul Reed of Brough, E. Yorks. United Kingdom


Northern Lights Photo Gallery: A solar wind stream hit Earth on May 20th causing a mild geomagnetic storm and Northern Lights around the Arctic Circle. The auroras of May 21st were so bright, they were visible in the twilight blue sky above Nunavik, Quebec.

"The sky is blue at 1 o'clock in the morning when I took these pictures," says photographer Sylvain Serre. "At our latitude at this time of year, it is blue all night long--and it's never a dark blue. So, at 1 o'clock in the morning, the sky is bright and I can see only a few stars."

In spite of this extra glare, Serre was able to see the auroras. "I saw them with my unaided eyes. The clouds made it difficult, but the clouds were moving slowly while the northern lights were moving faster." This, plus the green color of the auroras, made it possible to sort things out.