Your donations to Spaceweather Radio make possible 24/7 streaming of the Air Force Space Surveillance Radar, daily Space Weather Updates, and the future growth of our service to include other live audio streams from space.
Coming Soon: Solar Radio Bursts and Sounds from the Ionosphere!
--Dr. Tony Phillips
Suggested donation levels and benefits are listed below. Contact us to learn how to make your contribution.

X-class sponsors ($1000+) are added to the honor roll of supporters displayed on the Spaceweather Radio home page; mentioned in 30 daily radio broadcasts; and depending on the pledge level, may have a logo placed on itself.

M-class sponsors ($500) are displayed among the honor roll of supporters and mentioned in 10 daily radio broadcasts.

C-class sponsors ($250) are mentioned in 10 daily radio broadcasts

B-class sponsors ($100) are mentioned in 5 daily radio broadcasts

A-class sponsors ($50) are mentioned in 1 daily radio broadcast

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