Summary: Sky watchers in Hawaii
and most parts of North America experienced a partial solar eclipse on Friday, Dec. 14th. The eclipse was
annular (ring-like) along a narrow path in Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
images below are copyrighted by the photographers.
Photographer, Location |
Images |
Comments |
Robert Mason,
Siesta Key, Florida, USA |
#1 |
Click here
to see more of Robert Mason's sunset photography. |
George W.
Fleenor, Siesta Beach in Sarasota, Florida, USA |
#1 |
G. Fleenor of Bradenton,
FL, captured this remarkable picture of the eclipsed Sun setting
over the Gulf of Mexico. Photo details: 600mm telephoto @ f-11
Fuji 200 ASA. |
Robert M.
Sandy, Salem, Virginia , USA |
#1, more |
Bob Sandy used a Nikon
digital camera with a 3X telephoto lens and a red filter to record
this lovely image of the crescent Sun setting over Virginia. |
Vic &
Jen Winter, the path of annularity, Costa Rica |
more |
Photo details: Nikkor
600 mm, f/4, Fugi 400 color negative film |
David Ryle,
Wichita Falls, Texas, USA |
#1, #2 |
This intriguing picture shows the crescent
Sun photographed through some tree limbs with the camera
focused on the limbs. Photo details: 203.3mm f/6 telescope with
a Nikon FM camera using Fujifilm Superia XT 400 print film at
1/1000 second exposure. |
Rodenhofer II, Coral Springs, Florida, USA |
#2, #3 |
The thumbnail image is a composite of the setting
Sun and its projection through binoculars onto a white wall. |
Elisa Morua,
Nosara Beach on the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica |
#1, more |
Photo details: Sony DSC-S70 and
Baader Solar filter. |
Stan Richard,
Johnston, Iowa, USA |
#2 |
S. Richard: "With the help of my co-workers
here at Iowa Public Television, I used binoculars to project
an image of the Sun on white paper, then photographed the projection
with a Nikon 950 digital camera. Notice in photo #2
you can see sunspot 9733, which has been releasing flares this
week." |
Olivier Staiger,
Punta Leona, on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica |
more |
"This is Klipsi (a.k.a. Olivier) reporting
from Costa Rica, where I saw the annular solar eclipse from Punta
Leona on the Pacific coast. This image comes from a Sony Video
Digital8 camera. It was great!" |
Golscher, San Salvador, El Salvador |
#1 |
F. Golscher: "This
photo shows the Sun over El Salvador just two minutes before
maximum eclipse. The monument in the foreground is El Salvador
del Mundo (The savior of the world). The photo was taken using
one layer of filter on the camera lens." Photo details:
Canon 1-N with a 200 mm lens, f.16, Fuji Film 100 ASA, 1/800
sec exposure. |
Vic &
Jen Winter, the path of annularity, Costa Rica |
#2, #3,
more |
These hydrogen-alpha
were captured using a "Celestron 100mm f/5.6 and 4x barlow,
prototype SI systems Hydrogen Alpha Filter, on 2145 tech pan
film - 1/8 second." |
Mayfield, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA |
#2 |
G. Mayfield: "These images were taken with
an Olympus C-2100 digital camera through an 85mm refractor with
a homemade baader filter. Image #1
is a close-up of the lunar limb against the bright background
of the Sun with a sunspot nearby." |
Lara, San Salvador, El Salvador |
#1 |
V. Lara captured this sequence using a Canon
1-N camera, a 600 mm lens at f/5.6, 100 Fuji film, and 1/200
sec. exposure. The fifth photo of the sequence is the "full
contact" image, which was taken at 4:20 p.m. when the Moon
covered 78 percent of the Sun |
L Wayman, Tampa, Florida, USA |
#1 |
R. Wayman captured this photo of a Sun through
a pair of binoculars at 5:20 Eastern Standard Time. |
More images (click on the name of the photographer
to view the image):
Daniel L. Baker (Harrisville,
West Virginia); Dave
Halupowski (Pensacola, Florida)
to |