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Tyler Burg,
Lincoln, Nebraska, USA Dec. 21, 2010 |
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Being such an extremely rare event, I had to come up with a creative/unique way to photograph it. This was the third eclipse I've photographed. I used the Nebraska state capital building as a nice foreground and complement to the solstice eclipse. Zoomed in you can see the sower at the top. It was tough to stay out there so long in the cold (around 30 degrees), but the way the images turned out it was worth it!

Alan Dyer,
near Gleichen, Alberta Dec. 21, 2010 |
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It was a bitterly cold night here, with temperatures of -20° C, and very frosty and foggy at times. But skies in southern Alberta were clear in most locations, providing a wonderful view of the eclipsed Moon sitting amid the winter stars. It looked truly luminous. For us, the Moon was due south and very high as totality began, ideally placed.

Luke Broom-Lynne,
Attleborough, Norfolk, UK Dec. 21, 2010 |
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Here in the UK, the eclipse was at sunrise, resulting in some lovely widefield views with great sky colours.

Howard L Cohen,
Gainesville, Florida, USA Dec. 21, 2010 |
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Totally eclipsed Moon surrounded by stars taken at 3:19 a.m EST, about two minutes after time of greatest eclipse.
Photo details: Taken at prime focus of a 76-mm Tele Vue APO refractor. Exp. 1 sec, f/6.3, ISO 1600 with Canon EOS 5D II at 08:19 UT on 2010 Dec. 21. White balance set for sunlight.

Phillip L Jones,
Frisco, TX Dec. 21, 2010 |
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Used a Nikon
D90 to create a time-lapse video of the lunar eclipse with
my telescope and camera in the foreground. |

James Kevin Ty,
Laoag City , Philippines Dec. 21, 2010 |
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The sky in Laoag City , Ilocos Norte was clear for me to image the partial pahse of the total lunar eclipse that was visible in the Philippines. What a beautiful lunar eclipse it was!!! Images were tasken using Canon 500D DSLR on Canon Ef100-400mm f.4.5-5.6 IS L lens set at f/5.6.
images: from
Daniel Gastelu of Pando, Uruguay; from
Tamás Ábrahám of Zsámbék, Hungary; from
Alvaro Garay of Altamonte Springs, FL; from
Carlos Caccia of Intendente Alvear, La Pampa. Argentina; from
James of New Brighten, Christchurch, New Zealand; from
Azrael Coladilla of Cavite, Philippines; from
Helio C. Vital of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil; from
John Nassr of Baguio, Philippines