Taken by Hans Goeckner on November 7, 2004 @ Just outside Ladd, Illinois, about 0.3 miles west of S. Western Ave. on 1600 N Ave.; There are some farm buildings there, a few of which can be seen in some photos.
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  Camera Used: Unavailable Unavailable
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Date Taken: 2005:01:18 06:14:38
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We were driving east along I-80, and at first I thought they were farmers harvesting after sunset, but the lights and sounds persisted, so I glanced to my left and was shocked to see an aurora. We pulled off the interstate at the Ladd exit and found a place to stop at some farm buildings just west of town along 1600 N Ave.; the building in some of the photos is the first one west of town on that road to this day. It was taken with a Canon A-1 film camera using Seattle Films Works C-41 film, probably ASA 400 but that's a guess. I would also guess that they're 30s exposures on a tripod. You can see some stellar and aircraft tracks in some of the photos. I have a total of 9 photos; the last photo (not submitted) was (I'm pretty sure) taken farther east along I-80 when we pulled to the side of the road and pulled out an already set up camera on tripod for a quick (prob. 30s) photo.
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