Solar Eclipse Gallery
April 8 2005

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Summary: The Moon glided in front of the Sun on April 8th producing a partial eclipse across the Americas and a total eclipse in the Pacific Ocean. [full story]

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Unless otherwise stated, all images are copyrighted by the photographers.

  Photographer, Location, Date Larger images Comments

Barry Kierstein,
On the Paul Gauguin, approximately 128 W Longitude, 21 S Latitude.
Apr. 08
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Hello! Along with Dennis Mammana, I was aboard the Paul Gauguin during the eclipse. It was sure up and down when the clouds would come and go from first contact to second contact! I caught the eclipse in the clouds just after second contact. Boy, were we all relieved to see those clouds leave! Much thanks to the astronomers and the captain of the ship! Barry Kierstein Milford, New Hampshire

Jean-Luc Dighaye,
Onboard the Paul Gauguin in the Pacific Ocean
Apr. 08

Success on the m/s Paul Gauguin. But it was a very close thing! A thick cloud went away just seconds before second contact.

Loren Dolman,
Onboard the Paul Gauguin, just off the centerline north of Pitcairn.
Apr. 08

Taken after the sun appeared from under a cloud just for second contact, using a Kodak Pro14n with a Nikon 80-400 VR at 300mm and low f-stop.

Jose Fernandez and Dante Minniti,
Paranal Observatory, Chile
Apr. 08
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just in time before sunset! vivicam 3330 + paper sheet

Ron Wayman,
Alafia River State Park Florida
Apr. 08

I was lucky to be able to get a shot of the Eclipse since it was being eclipsed by the clouds. Picture was taken with a Nikon CP995 and 7x35 binoculars covered with a pair of Solar Sunglases.

Tom King,
Watauga, Texas, USA
Apr. 08
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A Glancing Blow - A partial eclipse takes a series of bytes out of the Sun over North Texas in this animated series of eclipse photographs. Clouds foiled the capture of the first 29 minutes of the eclipse, but grudgingly abated for the remaining 58 minutes. Individual pictures are spaced at approximate 5 minute increments, with some variations in timing due to clouds. Photo details: Sky Watcher 80mm refractor, Orion glass solar filter, V-Block filter, Meade Lunar Planetary Imager with .001sec exposures, piggy-backed on a Meade LX90 8' telescope for tracking.

Jordon Kalilich,
Deerfield Beach, Florida, USA

Apr. 08

I was ill-prepared to photograph yesterday's eclipse, but being in south Florida, I had one of the best views in the United States. We ended up making a pinhole projector to photograph the eclipse. It's supposed to spell out "8-Apr-05", but we were in a hurry to witness the eclipse's peak.

Val and Andrew White,
Close to San Carlos, Panama.
Apr. 08

The images are frames grabbed from an un-filtered video of annularity. The weather was mostly clear for the first part of the event followed by haze and patchy cloud leading up to annularity and then mostly cloud from soon after that to the end.

David, Panama
Apr. 08
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SONY HVR-Z1J(Hi-VisionCamera)+x2.2Tele-Converter

Aitor Robleto Orús,
Observatorio Astronomico de Nicaragua, UNAN-Managua, Managua, Nicaragua.86º16.143 W, 12º06.250 N.
Apr. 08
#1, #2, more

These pictures were taken with a MEADE lx90 200mm telescope projection and a 35mm Kodak KE-30 camera with Agfa 400 color film. We will put more pictures in our page soon.

More: from Arno van Werven of Davie, Florida; from Mike Prokosch at the Sam Houston State University Observatory in Huntsville, Texas; from Keith Verret & Ryan Burchett of Lafayette, Louisiana; from Brian Cudnik at Prairie View A&M University not far from Houston, Texas;