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Satellite imagery processed at Fleet Numerical Meteorology
and Oceanography Center, Monterey CA.
Mar. 3, 2010 |
#2, #3,
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we observed some of the most interesting auroral displays
(from space) this year over Europe. A rather billiant display
appears to be giving a treat to everyone in northern Norway
through Novaya Zemlya. This imagery comes from the US Defense
Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP), from the DMSP F18
satellite, using the Operational Linescan System (OLS).
The color image is a multispectral combination of 'nighttime'
visible imagery and infrared data. |

South of Dawson, Yukon, Canada
Mar. 1, 2010 |
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traveled to northern Yukon to photograph Aurora but it was
cloudy/snowy most of my time there for 8 days. This Aurora
came out all of a sudden very late at night around 04:30
in the morning. Since the moon was nearly full, foreground
looks like a daytime. Canon EOS 5D MarkII, EF15/2.8 fisheye
lens. |

Sylvain Serre,
Salluit, Nunavik, Quebec, Canada Mar. 3, 2010 |
#2, #3,
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Tonight, after a long period, I finally went to the northern lights. It was beautiful. I went with a group of 23 people of Sophie-Barras School, from Montreal. Many had the chance to see their first northern lights...
Details : Canon EOS 30D, 15 sec. exp., 800 ISO, f 3.5, 10mm.

Bernard Marschner,
Fairbanks, Alaska, USA Mar. 13, 2010 |
#1 |
First time this season I saw enough Aurora to get me to go out into the cold to photogrape any activity.
Aurora wasn't remarkable other than it's the first decent one in awhile. It wasn't overhead, it was on the northeastern horizon, looking towards the magnetic pole.