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Sean Walker,
MASIL East Observatory, Chester, NH Nov. 10, 2007 |
#1 |
Though expanding every day, Comet Holmes is becoming dimmer, and long exposures reveal the disconnected ion tail is not re-forming.

Daniele Gasparri,
Perugia, Italy Nov. 8, 2007 |
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Mosaic of 5 images taken with an achromatic refractor 80-400 and CCD camera ST-7XME with schott BG38 filter.
Total exposures: 5 hours
Tom J. Martinez,
Astronomical Society of Kansas City's Dark Sky Site near Butler, Missouri, USA Nov. 8, 2007 |
#1 |
These are 2 images of comet Holmes taken right around midnight 24 hours apart, Nov. 8 and Nov. 9. The blue ion tail changes quite a bit from night to night. This is one nice comet!
Taken with a Canon XTi, 10 images of 10 minute exposures with a 300mm f/4 lens at ISO 1600.
Salon de Provence FRANCE Nov. 9, 2007 |
#1 |
Evolution of the plasma tail from 9 till 11 November 2007 EOS350D F200MM

Lorenzo Comolli,
Bogli, Appennines, Italy
Nov. 10, 2007 |
#2, more |
The comet lost the tail while approaching to Mirfak, Alfa Persei. The blue tail is quite long and exceed the field of vew, more than 2°. The dust coma is 16' wide and 23' long (in the sunward direction). The gas coma is 32'x43'.
Tech details: Pentax 75 apo refractor (dia 75mm, 500mm focal length), Canon EOS 350D, 10 November 2007 h 19.24 UT. Total exposure 1.5 h.
Location: Bogli, Appennines, Italy
John Wunderlin,
Empire Ranch Observatory, Mineral Point, Wi, USA Nov. 10, 2007 |
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Imaged Comet Holmes Nov 10, 07:00UT. The first image is a stack of 14 30 second images. The second is a 10 minute exposure. The 3rd is a processed image to highlight the shape of the tail. All 3 images are at the same image scale.
Beom-Young Shin,
Hwachon, Gangwondo, Korea Nov. 8, 2007 |
#2, more |
Photo details
Optics: Takahashi FSQ106
Mount: Astro-Physics 1200GTO(German quatorial)
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M
Filters: SBIG Standard LRGB.
Dates: 2007.11.8 KST
Location: Byulmanse Observatory, Korea
Exposure Data:
LRGB = 50:15:15:15 minutes. (-30°C)
Bill Williams,
Chiefland Astronomy Village
Chiefland, Florida 32626
Nov. 7-9, 2007 |
#2 |
These two images
of Comet Holmes taken two days apart (Nov.7&9) show striking
architectural differences in the comet nucleus and environs
depending on whether the tail was bright and attached (#1)
or dteached and fainter (#2).
A bright jet following the nucleus can be seen in image
SW1 whereas there is no jet in image SW2 which has a small
faint nucleus following the tail detachment. These images
are both 1.5 hour total RBG exposures through a 6-inch EDF
Astro-Physics refractor using and SBIG STL-11K CCD camera.
Short exposures of the coma showing interior detail were
layer masked in to the long exposures using Adobe Photoshop.
These are the first images taken from my new observatory.
images (Nov. 12-13): from
Iliyan Darganov and Borislav Petrov of Varna, Bulgaria; from
Yenal Ogmen of Green Island Observatory, Gecitkale, North
Cyprus; from
Eugen Kamenew of Philipps University Marburg, Hessen, Germany;
Jason Snyder of N. Las Vegas, NV; from
Bart Firth of Dawsonville, New Brunswick, Canada; from
Tim Caruk of St John's, Newfoundland, Canada; from
ALBERTO QUIJANO VODNIZA of Pasto, Nariño. Colombia;
images (Nov. 10-11): from
Claudio Pincelli of Holyoke, Massachusetts; from
Jim Hung of Taichung,Taiwan; from
Masa Nakamura of Tochigi, Japan; from
Jay Edwards of Maine, NY; from
Konstantinos Christodoulopoulos of Korinthos, Greece; from
Des Williams of St.Helens, Merseyside, England; from
Jean-Marie Biets of Wilderen, Belgium;
images (Nov. 6-7): from
Bob Kelly of Ardsley High School, Ardsley, NY;