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Van Buren, Arkansas
Jan. 3, 2008 |
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This is a huge
mosaic taken 2008/01/03 UT. It contains 6 different
images each containing 5 minutes of information and then
stitched together. I have left it full size which makes
it a big image. Wanted those interest to see what else is
there looking through and around the comet . I have named
a few objects with magnitudes and thee are lots of little
"whatevers" out there. This is for exploring.
Jimmy Westlake,
Stagecoach, Colorado, USA Jan. 1, 2008 |
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This series of Comet 17P/Holmes images dramatically demonstrates its evolution since the outburst of October 24, 2007. All were taken with a 300 mm Nikkor lens on a Fuji FinePix S2 digital camera and reproduced here to the same scale. The inset image of the Moon at upper right is also reproduced to the same scale and represents approximately 30 arc minutes, or 1/2º.
Chris Schur,
Payson, Az Dec. 26, 2007 |
#1 |
Here is the
latest VERY deep exposure of Comet Holmes from last night.
The comet is still very easy to see naked eye, and is growing
more gigantic every day. You can see the comet is still
an amazing sight in this image. |

Sebastian Voltmer,
La Rosière, France Dec. 19, 2007 |
#2, more |
Object: Comet Holmes
Location: La Rosière (near Mont Blanc), France
Camera: EOS 30D
Optic: 30mm / 160mm
Tracking: AstroTrac
Andrea Aletti,
Campo dei Fiori Mount 1226 m slm (VA) Italy Dec. 24, 2007 |
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Comet 17P in a Full moon night.
Stefan Seip,
Countryside near the Observatory Welzheim (near Stuttgart), Germany Dec. 19, 2007 |
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here is a shot from last night. Boy what a bitterly cold night in Germany! ... brrrr ....
The image shows the whole Winter Hexagon as well as the comet 17P/Holmes. But very prominent inside the Hexagon is Mars.
Date: December 19th, 2007
Time: 4:51 UT
Location: Countryside near the Observatory Welzheim (near Stuttgart)
Camera: Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II digital single lens reflex camera
Lens: Canon 15mm F/2.8 fisheye lens at F/3.5
Filter: Softener (slight)
ISO: 1000
Flash: Remote flash in the hand of the person to the right (to illuminate the tree)!
Exposure time: 1 minute (tracking the stars!)
Processing: Little correction of the distortions, cropping, slight enhancement of contrast and little adjustments of color balance
Gunnar Glitscher,
Darmstadt, Germany Dec. 15, 2007 |
#2, more |
Christmas Comet Holmes hovering over Johannes church, Darmstadt, Germany (2x8 seconds, ISO 800, F = 50 mm).
The same December evening the International Space Station crossed the skies (second foto, bright streak). The faint track of a second satellite is visible just to the left of steepletop (6 seconds, ISO 800, F = 50 mm).
As we know there's no Merry Christmas on the ISS this year because of the sudden death of one astronaut's mother. When we look at the station in the nights ahead, we should keep in mind the hard working crew members and that they do it for all of us.
A happy New Year to Spaceweather.com and all readers!
Clear Skies,
Gunnar Glitscher

Hiroaki Ohno,
Japan Fukushima city Dec. 27, 2007 |
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Des.27.2007 19:25 JST
90mm refractor focus 500mm
Canon EOS-40D (SEO-SP2) ISO 1000
120 secondes
moon: Nov.2007
Hanno Falk,
Dec. 31, 2007 |
#1 |
Yesterday the
sky was clear, but I did not have enough time for adjustments
and long exposure series, because I was invited. So just
two quick shots before I had to leave. A happy New Year
and clear skies, Hanno. |
Gregg Ruppel,
Ellisville, MO USA Dec. 25, 2007 |
#2, #3,
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Comet Holmes continues to expand and is faintly visible to the naked eye.
images (Jan. 1, 2008): from
Günther Strauch of Borken, NRW, Germany; from
Mike Prokosch of Sam Houston State Observatory, Huntsville,
images (Dec 30-31, 2007): from
Paul Gaylord of Little Blair Valley, San Diego, Ca; from
Ugur Ikizler of Mudanya - Bursa / Turkey; from
Michael Borman of Evansville, Indiana; from
Mike Salway of Central Coast, NSW Australia;
images (Dec. 28-29, 2007):
Helmut Groell of Moers, Germany; from
Rob Kaufman of Bright, Victoria, Australia
images (Dec. 25-27, 2007): from
R.T. Smith of Stoneville, NC; from
Martin Mc Kenna of Maghera, Co. Derry, N. Ireland